Static site generator project
I have started a project centered around building a static site generator (SSG) as a part of the course I am taking. My hope would be to develop an application I could use to build this b...
I have started a project centered around building a static site generator (SSG) as a part of the course I am taking. My hope would be to develop an application I could use to build this b...
Like, damn. Functional programming is tough. I am currently undergoing the learning pathway, and it is really hard to wrap my head around. This is especially true for recursion. I will up...
The value of vultures is vast. Vultures are vital. Healthy vultures prevent the spread of disease. Their highly acidic stomachs and short gastrointestinal tract mean that they rarely get infected w...
Hello World I’ve restarted this blog again. This time hosted on my own domain! Exciting.
Another lazy post for today. Brennan from Dimension 20 is teaching me so many new things! In many animals—like dogs, cats, birds, etc.— what we think of as the “knees” are actually the ankles! The...
Today I learned the difference between flotsam and jetsam. I was listening to Dimension 20 and I had actually never heard of either of those words before. A Google search led me to NOAA’s NOA websi...
Today John Green posted a vlog on vlogbrothers wishing his brother Hank a Happy Esther Day. If you’re curious, you can watch the video for a more in-depth explanation of the holiday, but I’ll give ...
Recently, I have been trying to live more intentionally in this life. One part of that is looking at the things I own and determining if it is worth it for me to keep them. As Marie Kondo might ask...
How do you balance self-love and self-discipline? I have written before about how to reframe “falling off the wagon,” but I can’t help but think it is incomplete. Once again, in some habits I am t...
I have come across a story a few times that I have seen called “Why Were You Not Zusya?” This story relates to the Hasidic Rabbi Zusya (Rabbi Zusya of Hanipol). As far as I can tell, there are vari...