
First Post

pictures of rules

Today marks the first day of my #100DaysToOffload challenge.

These first posts will not be good. The last ones probably won’t be either (lol). I am going to just try and do it. I have a really hard time with being a perfectionist, paralyzed by my indecision, fear of failure, and various other emotional and intellectual issues.

Some posts might be long. Some (like this one) will be short. But I’m here. I’m trying. The garage door is open.

If you stumble upon this post, hi! I want this space to be sort of like a wood cabin. Filled with hygge and full of love and authenticity. A cup of warm tea, surrounded by people who genuinely love you. Playing board games on a cold winter’s night. Being able to speak what is tumbling around inside you out to people who won’t dismiss you, look away and nervously laugh, or get mad at you. I’m looking for this in real life, so I decided to try and create some of that here.

Wow, that turned into a therapy session a little. But that’s alright. If you’re reading this, I love you. We need to say that more.

Finished before midnight! Starting the year on track.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.