SIAMÉS - No Lullaby
I am obsessed with SIAMÉS. I found them recently from YouTube’s music video recommendation algorithm. The machine hit the nail on the head. Every song I have listened to of theirs is catchy, with a solid bassline, guitar and synth riffs, meaningful lyrics, and tight production overall.
One song in particular, “No Lullaby”, is squeezing a lot of dopamine from those brain cells.
This song is one of my absolute favorites. Besides the soaring synth strings, phat backbeat, and juicy bass, the lyrics are wonderful. It is a classic upbeat song that explores themes of loneliness and longing:
What’s the meaning, when you have a broken home, home, home?
Where’s the love when you were left on your own?
This refrain is repeated often, and every time it just fills me with a feeling that is difficult to ascertain. I can’t describe it because I’m not even sure I know what it is. There is a connection there, an understanding. Constantly barraged by hurt and perceptions of abandonment due to life circumstances are difficult.
However, the final line of the song ends in hope:
Who said you’re on your own?
This line coincides with the animated sisters arriving back home, a look of understanding that though they may feel alone, they have each other.
I think that I am sensitive to these same feelings. Though, I am trying to better understand why I feel this way, and look for people who remind me that, indeed, I am not alone.
This is day 7 of the #100DaysToOffload challenge. I saw more views on this than I was expecting. Hi! I am sorry to assault your eyeballs with this prose.