Working Principles
I strive to be as open and honest as possible in the work I do. These are some principles I found have served me well over my work experience.
Process over product: while products are important, focusing on process lowers the bar to starting and eases my struggle with perfectionism.
Authenticity: I can only be myself. I don’t overshare, but I am a (mostly) open book. I make mistakes as I learn, but rarely make the same mistake twice.
Openness: Related to Authenticity, I try to “work with the garage door up”. Collaboration and diversity of input mean a more resilient product.
Work is a game, but it’s a crucial game: This is a modified principle from a foundational book I read long ago. The work I do is usually helping other people, to the best of my ability. This is a serious mission; but taking myself so seriously all the time only serves to hinder the flexibility I have as a human.